Scientific Name : Cimex lectularius

Colour : Unfed adults are mahogany; engorged bed bugs are red-brown. Nymphs are nearly colourless.

Length : up to 4 to 5 mm long or the size of an apple seed.

Sounds : varius lectus

Digestive tract : allergic reaction, emotional trauma

What is a Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs probably derive their name from their habit of feeding on people while they are sleeping in their beds. People appear to gather in virtually every location, including homes, hotels, schools, offices, retail stores and even public transport.



Bed bugs enjoy flying, and are perfect hitchhikers. To be near a food source, they will hide in suitcases, crates, and shoes. They are mysterious animals who are nocturnal. They can hide behind baseboards and in cracks, crevices and folded areas of beds, bedding and adjacent furnishings, particularly mattresses and box springs. Bed bugs may also hide inside a house, vehicle, bus or other shelter in electric switchboards, picture frames, wallpaper and almost anywhere. Bed bugs typically come out for blood meal at night. They are however opportunistic insects and will take a meal of blood during the day, especially in heavily infested areas. Bed bugs normally take between 5-10 minutes to fill up the blood. They travel to secluded places after eating, and disappear for 5-10 days. They do not feed but rather digest their meal, mate and lay eggs during this period in the bed bug life cycle.


And where live the bed bugs? Bed Bugs tend to hide within a human body in small cracks and crevices. We are found under baseboards, curtains, upholstery, and in crevices of furniture. Bed bugs are also known to live in temporary or alternate environments, in vehicles, busses and trains, such as backpacks and under benches.


Although bed bugs can dine on any warm-blooded animal, they dine primarily on humans. Bed bugs don't spread diseases, but their bites can turn red, itchy welts.

Bed Bug Prevention

  • Vacuum suitcases after returning from a vacation.
  • Check for tell-tale blood stains on your bedsheets.
  • Consider bringing in a big plastic garbage bag during hotel stays to carry your luggage in.
  • Bring a small flashlight to help you make quick visual inspections.
  • Never bring second-hand furniture, particularly mattresses and box springs, into a home without carefully testing for signs of an infestation of a bed bug. You may recommend inspecting the furniture with a pest control professional, as it is difficult to detect an infestation if you are untrained.
  • Inspect periodically for signs of bed bugs in places where pets live.
  • Bed bugs are elusive creatures, so it is important to look into skilled pest control to deal with an infestation.