Scientific Name: - Aedes aegypti

Length : 16 mm

Digestive Tract: Yes

What is a Yellow Fever Mosquitoes?

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes originated in Africa, and were most likely introduced in the early 1900s by ships to the new world. Their distribution continues to increase globally making them one of the most common species of mosquitoes. Yellow fever mosquitoes are, as its common name implies, the main vectors of yellow fever, a prevalent disease in tropical South America and Africa.


Female adult yellow fever mosquitoes feed mainly on humans, as egg production requires a blood meal. These mosquitoes are active throughout the clock, biting during the day, at dusk, and at dawn. Male yellow mosquitoes bite not. They feed on plant nectar, instead.



Mosquitoes with yellow fever live in tropical, subtropical and some temperate climes. They also occupy shaded containers laying their eggs with standing water. In flowerpots, spare tires, baby pools, irrigation ditches and other items where water collects also breed yellow fever mosquitoes.


The bite of a yellow fever or mosquito from Aedes aegypti may result in a itchy, raised bump on the skin. But more significantly, this type of mosquito is a vector of various diseases, including dengue fever and chikungunya. The most recent role of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in global spread of the Zika virus.

Yellow Fever Mosquitoes Prevention

Eliminating areas of stagnant water around the home is the most effective way to avoid interaction with yellow fever mosquitoes–and many other mosquito species. Look out for water that can accumulate in baby pools, flower pots, bird baths and grill covers. Anyone who spend time outdoors will wear long pants and gloves, and add a DEET, picaridine or lemon-eucalyptus oil insect repellent. In fact, homeowners can cover all windows and doors to discourage mosquitoes from flying in.
