Scientific Name : Cryptotermes domesticus

Length : 3/8 to 1-inch long

Colour : Creamy white to light brown

Sounds : - papery rustling

Digestive Tract : Yes

What is an Drywood termite ?

You can prevent Drywood termites by making sure the firewood and scrap wood are stored at least 20 feet from home. Another technique for handling drywood termite is to seal all gaps and crevices across the home's base. Homeowners should also check the property on a regular basis for signs of drywood termites, paying particular attention to window and door frames, trim, eaves, siding and attics.



Drywood termites form colonies with a membership up to 2,500. Like subterranean termite species, colonies of drywood termites do not have a hierarchy of workers, as the job is performed by young termites before they reach adulthood. Drywood termites typically swarm on sunny, warm days following sudden temperature rises.


Drywood termites, including those found in attic framings, infest dry wood. They can be moved to new locations via an infested piece of furniture, a frame of pictures etc.


Drywood termites will eat columns, floors, and walls without support, resulting in expensive home repairs. In addition, drywood termites and other termite species cause annual property damage collectively to $5 billion.

Drywood Termite Prevention

You can prevent Drywood termites by making sure the firewood and scrap wood are stored at least 20 feet from home. Drywood termites create new colonies via small holes gaining access to the wood. Seal all holes and crevices in a building as a drywood termite control technique.
